Tuesday, May 14, 2013


 about 6 years ago I cut my thumb doing the dishes, the ER didn't notice that I had cut through my tendon, and stitched me up and sent me on my way with my thumb not being able to bend, then 2 week later sent me to a "hand specialist" that told me I had to have surgery right away so the next day I went under the knife! WORST MISTAKE EVER!!!!! so in March I went up to Billings and had a great Dr fix me finally!! He even let me stay awake a watch!! He cleaned out a ton of scar tissue and had to sever the nerve as it was beyond repair. the pic below is the nerve (its not supposed to have that ball on the end!) they drilled into my bone and attached the nerve to it so that it can not cause pain anymore! I have no feeling in the back of my hand, but it is much better than the pain I was having!
 The pretty work the Dr did
And this is what it looks like today! Finally after six years I can use it normally again! My advise do your research on Dr's before you choose one to cut on ya!!

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